The Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports Part 4: BLOCKCHAINED

This Report Details:

The QR Code is About Your DATA, Your DNA, and Your BODY


Wallets, Crypto, Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), and The Banks of The Future

Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Humans

Recap List of all Names and Organizations Covered in Parts 3 & 4

• Suggestions and Solutions

Below are some key things you can begin doing immediately. Every single thing you do, every choice you make, and every action you take either drives this train forward or derails it. At times it will feel like an uphill battle. Empower your mind, body, and soul and use that force of life within you to shift the future. Together, we can bring the power, the strength, and the love it’s going to take to build the future we want – not the one they’ve “reimagined” for us.

• Do not be coerced, bribed, blackmailed, shamed, guilted, manipulated, or intimated into complying.

• Vaccine ID Passports, digital identities being pushed by banks, driver’s license facilities, and other industries as a means for “access” or “convenience” should be avoided at all cost.

• Make everyone you know aware of what this QR code and digital identity is really about, and how they intend to put you on the Blockchain to surveil and control your every move.

• Bringing this information to the attention of your legislatures and demanding legislation to block vaccine id passports and digital identity applications is critical. See part 1 for states who have already taken action on this front. There could be additional legislation in place since part 1 published.

• Remove your money from the large banks into smaller, family-owned banks and small credit unions. If 10% of people did this, it would create a huge shift.

• Build your own family or community energy and food systems. Resilient energy and food supplies will go a long way against their digital financial blackmailing systems.

• Stop feeding the beast – do not spend money at Amazon (here’s why), big box stores, and big brands that are building the infrastructure to enslave humanity. Here are some good alternative options.

• CASH IS KING. Use cash as often as possible, to avoid the hyper-tracking taking place inside bank accounts that are aggregating your data and building your social and climate score, as well as studying spending behaviors of the masses to manipulate industries, supply chains, and markets. Plus, they won’t earn fees off of you every time you swipe.

• Purchasing any products with the word “Smart” in it, isn’t so smart. These products are all used for surveillance purposes via audio, some visual, and data aggregating, not to mention potential integrated mind control technologies. Here is a checklist of tips for how to better protect yourself when it comes to technology.

• Here are 5 ways to financial security while building thriving communities outside the system.

• Clear as many debts as you are able to so you are beholden to no one. Invest in people, learning trade skills, family and community, hard assets, proper schooling for your children which might mean a local homeschool network, local farmers, any necessary supplies or equipment you feel you need, your health and peace of mind.

• If your place of employment is requiring you to get the injection, here are some resources, assistance, and a downloadable form to provide to your employer. If they will not accept a religious or medical exemption, and leave you with no option, let them fire you instead of quitting, so you have recourse.

• “The power of intention” is not a slogan or something to laugh about. It is indeed powerful. It doesn’t matter what location you are standing in, in relation to the world, the intention within your thoughts can be projected with no physical boundaries. Direct intention manifests itself as electric and magnetic energy that produces an ordered flux of photons, operating as coherent frequencies capable of changing the molecular structure of matter, alter the environment, heal illness, affect another’s thoughts and actions. It is that powerful. This has been proven thousands of times. Find a space in nature or in your home and spend 15 minutes a day focusing on your intentions, visualizing them, seeing them fully heal the world and shift the future in a positive direction. This can easily be done while on a walk as well. Trust in yourself – you are a powerful being.

If just 10% of the US population stuck to this list of bullet points above – we could forever shift the trajectory of their agenda and potentially put a halt to it.

Download Parts 1 & 2 in one pdf document in The Bookshop >
Download Parts 3 & 4 in one pdf document in The Bookshop >

Clearview AI has billions of our photos. Its entire client list was just stolen

Clearview AI, a startup that compiles billions of photos for facial recognition technology, said it lost its entire client list to hackers. The company said it has patched the unspecified flaw that allowed the breach to happen.In a statement, Clearview AI’s attorney Tor Ekeland said that while security is the company’s top priority, “unfortunately, data breaches are a part of life. Our servers were never accessed.” He added that the company continues to strengthen its security procedures and that the flaw has been patched.

Some Observations on the Clearview AI Facial Recognition System

Over the past few months there has been criticism of the Clearview system alleging that the system infringes the privacy of individuals, that it violates the terms of service (TOS) of the social media platforms where the images were allegedly scraped from to create the Clearview database, violates copyright laws and/or violates privacy laws in a number of U.S. states and internationally. These critics have posted their objections on Twitter, on LinkedIn, and in various printed and online media. The allegations have also included assertions of inherent racial or gender bias of search results, allegations that a ‘false match’ may result in a false arrest or investigation of an innocent person, allegations of racist connections by some of its founders and arguments that U.S. law should be changed to require a search warrant in order for the police to run a photo using Clearview or any facial recognition system.

In addition, the company has received cease and desist letters from a number of social media platforms alleging that the ‘scraping’ of the publicly available images that users voluntarily post on their site (think LinkedIn or Facebook or Instagram) violates copyright law and the terms of service of the site. Lawsuits have also been filed by a number of states and at least one class action alleging violation of state privacy laws. Clearview has denied any wrongdoing and asserts that the system and its intended use fully comports with U.S. law, and has published an legal opinion in the form of a white paper that is available on the web.